In Flanders’ Fields
In Flanders’ Fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders’ Fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders’ Fields.
Dr John McCrae 1915
Lest We Forget
Hi Lynn, I see your last post was in the Spring of 2009. I'm hoping you will blog again and share with us. You sound like you've had an interesting life. Though I've been to Australia 3x, I've not been blessed yet with going to Canberra. Have you ever been to Vancouver, Canada?
Hi Joyful, lovely to hear from you and yes, I have been lazy about blogging lately. Life can be so busy and I guess my blog isn't high enough up on my list of priorities. You have encouraged me to change that, thankyou : )
I am blessed to have a full and interesting life, never a dull moment and many life experiences to make me who I am today. I am thankful for them all, especially the tough and more challenging ones, it seems that's when I learn the most ; )
I have been to the USA twice but not to Canada. My daughters were at Niagara falls in 2005 after being counsellors at summer camp in Pennsylvania. I met them in Nashville, so New York (2003) is probably the closest I have ever been to Canada! I would love to come over to Canada, I had good friends from Toronto years ago but we lost touch when they moved : (
Where have you been to in Australia and when were you last here? I have offered hospitality to several Canadians in my B&B over the years, and they have all been lovely people! More reasons to visit one day.
If you ever come to Canberra I would love to catch up. The world is such a small place now we have the great blessing of the internet, but meeting face to face is an extra special pleasure when you have shared lives through blogging ; )
Thankyou so much for your message, I am touched you have missed me and I promise to be more faithful to my blog in the future.
bless you : )
Hi Lynn, how wonderful to know you got my message and have already replied! That is great.
Now let's see...all of my trips to Australia have been on the east coast. My first trip was with a brother and friend. We flew to North Island of NZ first then flew to Sydney and on to Queensland where we rented a car and drove all the way back to Sydney. We stopped here and there along the way with the most memorable times in Cairns, Townsville, Brisbane and Sydney. I also loved the beaches of Surfer's Paradise though I don't surf :-) My next trip, I went to Cairns with my brother to visit friends and far distant relatives, and we went a bit further north to Port Arthur (I think its called) and then back downto Sydney. My last trip was to Cairns with my mom to take her to meet our distant relative before she passed. I haven't been back since as I've gone on to see other countries I'd love to see. I've developed some friends now in other parts of Australia (Perth and Canberra mainly) so you never know when I might pop by, lol. Of course if you ever get to Canada, I'd love to meet you. Vancouver is much closer to you than Toronto. BTW, I have been to New York and Niagara Falls. I didn't mind NY though I much prefer Niagara Falls. So beautiful. Looking forward to your future blogs.
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